You know I am a self professed paper snob. I have trouble finding a journal made just right with just the right paper to work with my various pencil supplies. So I've made journals for the weekend participants. Each one is different so they can choose and be unique. When I teach classes I'm all about making choices and about being your unique self.
Here is a smidgen sneak peek at a small part of the example for the weekend class. But one of the things I insist on whether my students are 5 or 75 is that no one can just copy mine. I teach concepts and techniques not projects. They must find a way to make it their own.
My penmanship is less that ideal. And sometimes I have students who are naturals when it comes to lovely lettering. I am not. And I find that for me to spend too much time focusing on the penmanship can ruin the prayerful mood of the moment. So, I just don't worry about it.
I've also been playing lately with Jennifer Frith's approach to journaling with a weekly calendar. Its kind of fun and I am thinking about ways to incorporate it into my regular format. Here are some of my first attempts. These were created in a hardbound Moleskine using graphite, Derwent Inktense, and Faber Castell Pitt markers.

Wind and Honey Creations
Creative Pencils - Online Drawing Lessons
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