But as 2018 came to a close and I looked back I found that I had actually lived a word for those 12 months. Follow Through. ...oh! I guess that's two words, isn't it. Well if you say it fast enough it sounds like one word. Try it with me. Followthrough. See? It works.
Anyway, the realization that I had lived a word (or two) for a year made me rethink the idea of choosing a word for 2019. And so, here at the beginning of a new year ... oh You're thinking its February, Elizabeth. You're thinking its not the beginning of a new year any more. You're thinking I've missed the boat for new year thoughts and new year directions ... and new year words.
Well, maybe not. I mean, isn't the point to start looking forward to the days ahead with a new perspective? Isn't the point to move forward from where we stand with a changed direction? Isn't that true whether the date is January 1 or February 8? Yes, I think so too.
And so my word for 2019, my very first word of this year, is Intentional. The more I think about it the more I realize it encompasses everything. I can know what is best to eat for good health. And I can eat it, most of the time, when I feel like it. I can know all kinds of physical exercise that would be beneficial for my health. I can want to do said exercise. I can choose to do said exercise. But I have discovered those mental exercises are not enough. You have to actually get up and DO them. Ugh! And I can want to be more creative. I can choose to spend more time creating. But actually putting pencil to paper requires more than that. It requires the intentional choice AND follow through AND doing it again tomorrow. And then the tomorrow after that.
Oh my. This is going to be a year of stretching and growing.
So I will be back here in this bloggy space INTENTIONALLY in a few days. I hope to see you here too. I've been working on a large project for the last year and I will be sharing more about it in the coming posts.
Do you choose a word of the year? What is your word this year? And how has choosing a word worked out for you before? I'd love to hear. I always hear about them in January but not so much in December.

Wind and Honey Creations
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