I went to tea today with some friends. I've been working day and night on some projects that are still not complete and also in preparation for my Artful Gathering class. So it was good to get out of the house and visit with friends in a pretty and very froo froo environment. We went to Inspirations Tea Room where the food is better than great and the service is even better.
Inspirations also has a gift shop with tons of tea sets to fit every personality or color theme. I wanted to buy them all so I could use them on every whim I could conjure up.
I especially liked this black and white set. It immediately made me think of Audrey Hepburn and the outfit she wore in the race track scene of My Fair Lady. I had to wonder if it was also the inspiration of the artist that designed it.
And then, as we were going out the door there they were. Hats! A whole bunch of them there for guests to wear just for fun. I was so excited and wished I'd seen them before. The ladies I was with scoffed and said they would never have worn them. Pffft! Chickens! I think I've come to an age (although they were all older than ME!) where I an no longer concerned about what people think of me. I want to live the life out of every moment - hats and all.
What do you think? Would you have worn a hat?
Wind and Honey Creations