I am so pleased to announce the grand opening of
Creative Pencils.
Creative Pencils is a ning site that I have created for the presentation of my video drawing classes. The Classes begin with a 10 lesson series called Pencils 101. These beginning 10 lessons will lay a solid foundation for many pencil adventures in the future. After the completion of Pencils 101 the students move into the monthly lessons. These lessons are more challenging and continue to help the student progress in their drawing skills.
Once the student is well grounded with the graphite pencil, the lessons progress into the various types of colored pencils. The site also has studio groups that are like little coffee houses where the students can gather to discuss topics like art journaling, artist trading cards, or how to incorporate their drawings into their mixed media collage. They often discuss supplies and other practical matters. It is a fun and inspiring place to learn in a positive atmosphere that generates success.
CP is a subscription site under the umbrella site
Eclectic Art Studio created by Zinnia Galliher of
Zinnia's Treasures and
Roses on My Table. This is the beginning of a great adventure. I hope you will come by and take a look.
Creative Pencils workshops have been moved to Wind and Honey Classes.
"Capturing Dreams One Drawing at a Time"
Wind and Honey Creations