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Monday, January 31, 2011

One World One Heart Blog Event

This is the 5th and last year of the One World One Heart blog event by A Whimsical Bohemian.  The theme this year is Flying on the Wings of One World One Heart. It is great fun, like a big international party where you get to visit many homes and studios in just one month's time while you sit on your couch in your jammies.  

For those of you that are new to my blog, here is just a bit about me.  I am an artist specializing in animal portraiture, altered art, and mixed media painting.  As they are truly my first love, animals find their way into most of my finished pieces.  Considering the heaviness of much of life, my goal is to produce art that reminds us of the delights of life.  I am also an art teacher teaching drawing, painting, and mixed media altered art.  I teach local and online classes to adults as well as children.  Pictured here are two of my studio assistants.

The "door prize" I am offering for the One World One Heart drawing is this delightfully decorated original mini moleskine journal. The journal is titled Fairytales by You.  Notice her butterfly wings?  How could she fly as is the theme without wings?  This would be a great place for you to record your thoughts, hopes, dreams, and even a 'to do' list or two. It is small enough to fit into even the smallest of purses or on your nightstand.  One of the rules for the One World One Heart event is that you must have a blog to participate in the drawings.  Be sure and give me a link back to your blog so I can contact you should you be the winner.  On Thursday, February 17 at 10:00 a.m. Central time I will place all the names in a special vintage basket, mix them up, and draw the winner's name.  Good luck!  And thank you for stopping by for a visit.  


Titbelsoeur, mixed-media addict said...

C'est trop mignon !!! Bien sûr que je participe !!! Le mien sera publié dans 15 minutes, viens voir chez moi !

Cherry said...

Yea! I'm so glad to be here and to meet you. You have an awesome blog, come check mine out sometime. Thanks for entering me in your contest!


denise said...

Hello Elizabeth,
what a cute journal, fitting for furrytails!
Greetings from a Brit in Germany.

Saskia said...

Wow! You're so creative! This journal is so unique!

Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with this beautiful give-away...I can only dream it's me! :)

This OWOH blog trip is great! Thanks!

Sweet greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)


Micki Wilde said...

I love the journal, I am also taking part in the owoh event :)

Your work is beautiful and I would love a chance to win your prize.

Micki x

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Your art is magnificent! I love your dog portraits. :)Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful journal. Love your kitties, too. :)

Gayle Page-Robak said...

...so pleased to visit you and your blog is lovely. I am a Canadian Mixed Media and Digital Artist. I hope you will visit my blog as well. Thank you for including me in your wonderful gift draw. Hugs, Gayle.

Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the opportunity to win!

cbee said...

Oh how I would love to win this journal!!! Please come over to my OWOH
Hugs, Caro

bockel24 said...

Lovely journal - please counte me in! And please visit my blog and see what I´m giving away.

Mila said...

Hi there !
Lovely giveaway! Pls count me in and if you want, pls take a moment to visit my #58 on Magic Carpet :)
Thank you for the chance to win!
Hugs from Italy,
Mila :)

P.S. Love your cats! I've got three :))

Jingle said...

Delightfully decorated, indeed! This brought a huge smile to my face! Thanks for a great giveaway! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Numinosity said...

Cute little journal, I'd love to have a chance at it. Nice to meet you.
xoxo Kim

Healing Woman said...

I know someone who will really love the piece of art you created. Please add me to the draw and fly on by for a visit to my blog at number 92.

Rosie said...

Hello from Germany. It's nice to meet you. Thanks for entering me in your contest

AlwaysInspired said...

What a wonderful moleskin!
Come visit my blog to see my OWOH giveaway! I'm #50

MarieNeige said...

Great giveaway, do add me in... won't you pop over to visit my blog, too?

Maggi said...

Flying in from One World One Heart! :)

What a fun journal, it's fantastic! So nice meeting you today, you have a lovely blog and such gorgeous kitties too!

You're welcome to visit my OWOH post anytime!

Happy Blog Discovery! :)

Karen said...

In love with your blog...wonderful giveaway!
I am now following. I would love for you to come to mine and follow too...love new followers but most of all I love new friends!


BabesbyBarb said...

that is a lovely journal, I enjoyed my visit here

danit said...

For a moment I thought I can win a cat, not a big disappointment though, as your journal looks great too.

Thespa McLaughlin said...

Hi there! I'm so glad to meet you! Your blog is wonderful and your prize is the best! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! Hope you have fun at the OWOH! Hugs!


Tumbleweed Trails said...

Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. Your Mini Altered Moleskin Journal is adarable. I love every bit of the detail. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

Janine said...

Hi, nice to meet you
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Cheers and happy OWOH

Wendy said...

Being a huge kitty fan and being owned by two wonderful cats, I immediately fell at home in your blog. And the journal is so cute and whimsical, I just love it!

Please enter me for the giveaway :)
Ty so much.


Wildflowerhouse said...

Love your journal and would love to win! Love your cat too!!!!

Carole Burant said...

I believe in fairytales!! Please add my name to your giveaway, I would love to win your gorgeous mini fairytale journal:-)

Make sure you come over and enter my own giveaway if you haven't done so already!

Hugs, PEA xox

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love pretty journals...and don't have a new one for this year! Love your art and your blog! Please visit me, too! ♥ http://lavenderdreamstoo.blogspot.com/

Shirley said...

What a lovely journal!

Micki said...

I love your theme for the moleskin. I have a moleskin where I do watercolor, but yours is wonderful! Please come to my giveaway at my Irish blog which is http://thedote.blogspot.com

Artfully Musing said...

I've enjoyed visiting your blog and learning about you and your art. I hope you’ll visit my blog and signup to win my prizes. Laura

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts said...

Love your journal! Count me in on the OWOH door Prize drawing Tee

yoborobo said...

Is that your cat? She/he is gorgeous! I love your little moleskin. Every cat should have wings! Come visit me, I am having a giveaway, too - Pam

Mervi said...

Beautiful journal!
Love to win!
Nice to meet you via OWOH,
greetings from Finland;-))m


Martina said...

Hi Elizabeth, I`m a new follower and love visiting here... what a fabulous giveaway :))) Please include my name in your draw and it would be terrific if you could drop by my blog for a visit too.
Martina from Stuttgart/Germany

Elizabeth Johnson said...

Yes, they are both my cats. The Siamese working on his 'to do' list is Kenya and the black Tuxedo in the basket is Mattie Rose.

Unknown said...

Your giveaway cracks me up and makes me happy. I laughed immediately it is so happy. Okay I'm happy now what else can I say? Thanks!! Please enter my name in for a chance to win this happy prize. *grinning* Norma (95)

Viola said...

Lovely giveaway, Elizabeth!Please count me in!Hope you'll stop by my blogs too! :-)


Jan said...

I love journals! And yours is one of the most beautiful and intriguing ones I've ever seen! I'd love to write on its pages! I hope you can stop by my blog in a couple of days for my OWOH (got side-tracked, so it's a little late!)
Jan in Ohio

Jodaeodesign said...

How darling. Please include me in your drawing.

Megan Chamberlain said...

Beautiful journal. I love your kitties and the portraits that you have on etsy are amazing.

Cindy Adkins said...

I love journals and yours is gorgeous!!! I am your newest follower and it's so nice to meet you!!!

crafty creations said...

Hi waving from the UK - very nice to meet you - beautiful journal you are giving away and I'm sure it will be treasured by the lucky winners - maybe me !!!!

I'm also taking part so please pop over and see me too No 177 - my email is on my blog should I win !!!

x Hilda aka Crafty Creations

MLBetterly said...

It was so nice meeting you! You have a great blog and I really enjoyed my visit! I hope you'll stop by to see me too, if you haven't done so already. mlbetterly.blogspot.com

Digital Misfit said...

I love your studio assistants. My assistant is a beagle-rottweiler cross (tiny head/big body) who mostly loves to get fur on my fabric and beg for treats.
That journal is so lovely.
Thank you for participating in this wonderful blog event. Stop by my blog, #51 on the list, if you get a chance!
hugs from ON, Canada

Anonymous said...

Well count me in - your work is absolutely lovely and since I love animals more than a lot of people I know I just love your blog! (I know that sounds terrible but you always know where you stand with an animal). Please enter me for a chance...
Hugs from snowy New Hampshire,
Elizabeth P

Alice Stroppel said...

it's a darling cover and I just happen to love journals...Please enter my name.
Stop by my blog to win a crazy polymer clay face bracelet.

Thanks so much,

JoAnne said...

Hi Elizabeth,
I ADORE that journal!!!!! I love using cats in my art. Whimsical kitties make me smile! I also have a studio assistant of the feline persuasion.....

Antonella said...

I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful giveaway - your journal is great - love the wings!!
Hugs, ♥ ♥ ♥ Antonella :-) (#153)
Please stop by #153 for a chance to win my giveaway!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I like the way you've done up the moleskin journal; it's really pretty. Come visit
Thistle Cove Farm when you have a chance.

Unknown said...

I would love the opportunity to be entered in your drawing for the journal,
Your assistants are great..
Thanks for sharing.

CathyH said...

Your art is fabulous!! I wish I could draw like that! Love the journal too.
cathyguitarteacher-77 at yahoo.com

Gale said...

Hello from Oregon! Love that you include animals in your art. The drawing of the dog on your side bar is perfect. Love it.
I have really enjoyed peeking around in your blog and hope you will have time to come visit mine.
:) Gale

DVArtist said...

Hello it is nice to meet you. YOu have a lovley blog.

Kim Mailhot said...

Kitties nake the best assistants don't they ? Unless they walk through the wet paint...;)
The journal is awesome. Thanks for the chance to win. Enjoy your OWOH flight !

Lisa said...

I love that journal, please may I win it?
I know exactly what I'd use it for too!
I love what you do and I thank you for stopping by my blog and following. Off to check out your etsy!


Wanda Maria said...

Hello from Arkansas! Please enter me in your fantastic giveaway and be sure to stop by my blog and enter mine, too. :)

Warmest Regards,

Two Crafty Mules

Rebecca said...

Your blog is lovely.
One of my dearest friends just lost her dog to cancer and she has a painting of him on her wall. She cherishes this painting of "Clifford". What a gift you have of creating lasting memories. Our furry loves are part of who we are and give us the best gifts. I admire what you do.
Blessings in the journey,

Geri said...

Your artwork is beautiful - would love to win your giveaway! I'm enjoying my worldwide blog tour! If I'm lucky enough to win, please contact me through my blog

The cat at the top of the post reminds me of Milo, now gone to kitty heaven ♥

HeARTworks said...

Hello Elizabeth! I am from the Philippines! Your mini journal is charming! I love all the details! Do come by and visit me to see if you'd like to win my necklace!
Patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com from

calej said...

Love cats as well, your work is lovely!

Hope you can join in my goodie giveaways as well! :)


calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com
calej d'art

Sunshineshelle said...

The journal is as adorable as your pussy cat :) By the way I'm pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle from Sunshine Coast Australia) If you have time I'd love you to come on over & comment at my OWOH post too :) My talent lays elsewhere (eating leftovers, swearing -just kidding) I'm a pretty new (3 week old) blogger, so feel free to drop in ANYTIME if you're in the bloggersphere. Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :) It's exhausting BUT SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Rusted Wings said...

you are such an amazing artist!!!
sweet blog & lovely offering!
please come visit my blog #30 on the list...
blessings & warm hugs from Montana!!

Sunshineshelle said...

Your moleskin journal is totally adorable & would be a great 'keeper of secrets' very special & sweet! By the way I'm pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle from Sunshine Coast Australia) If you have time I'd love you to come on over check out my giveaways & comment at my OWOH post too :) One World One Heart... It's exhausting BUT SO MUCH FUN!!!!

SusanLotus said...

I love your moleskine journal and I´d love to be the lucky winner! :)

Come and join my little giveaway as well! Thank you.

Warm regards
Susan in Sweden

Brenda said...

I love animals too - our lives would be empty without them.

Amy (ArtsyBookishGal) said...

Your cat is beautiful...and I love journals!

I love seeing all the neat things that people create!

Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Amy from Pennslyvania
AtypicalMusings.com (OWOH Giveaway)
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

nfmgirl said...

I have five cats myself, and your top cat looks just like my youngest Shotsie! Please count me in. Thanks so much!


nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Mollye said...

What a sweet little journal. I'd record my dreams in it! Your animal drawings are exquisite!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What talent you have. I took a quick look around your blog and was quite impressed. I'm not sure who is more in love with your giveaway, Bleubeard or myself. I'll be back after the event. I'm # 11, and would love to have you stop by if you haven't already.

bub said...

Great Blog, Great door prize too. Happy to see so many artist participate in OWOH 2011



Theresa MacNaughton said...

Hi Elizabeth, Happy OWOH! Hope you are having fun celebrating! I am a great lover of faerie tales and find your journal enchanting! Your work is really lovely - and you have such a cute kitty!
Please feel free to come and visit with me:
Theresa #377

Sherry said...

It's lovely to meet you Elizabeth and see your beautifully decorated journal created for this wonderful event.
I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.

Sherry from England, UK (OWOH#133)

Unknown said...

Greetings Fellow Cat Lady! Oh I LOVE the kitty journal--I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!! Hope you'll stop by and say hi at my OWOH post...I'm # 457

http://www.365catladies.blogspot.com. All the best, Susan Faye

Gracie "Neky White" said...

Really cute item!! I really love journals. Thank you so much for the chance to win =D

Come to enter my giveaway if you have time


Hugs from Mexico!!

Tami said...

Such wonderful art. Thanks for inviting us over alyssasmom98@aol.com

Susan said...

Elizabeth, i love your kitties, and the journal ain't too shabby either, LOL! I am a follower from a while back, and your etsy shop is in my favs now.
Please include me in the drawing for this awesome journal, and come visit!
# 209

Lotus said...

Please toss me in the hat!

Mimi said...

I've always wanted one of these journals & I'm really hoping to win yours, it's so beautiful!

Please stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway also!

hoerauf at comcast dot net


just me said...

so cute, please throw my name in!! R'Chelle

Michaele Sommerville said...

Meow meow meow meow MEOW! She's adorable! You're right about her wings too- so many quotes, sketches, ideas, dreams and crafty to-do lists could make themselves right at home in your beautiful journal- thank you for the chance to win it!

I hope you'll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten's 3 R's: I'm giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!


Fallingladies said...

Love the journal, excatly what I need as I'm a relentless list naker! stop by my blog when you get a chance...

Craftymoose Crafts said...

What a sweet journal! I'd love to be entered, too! Happy OWOH! Hope you can stop by to visit me too #331!

she dreams big! said...

I have so many dreams that I could write down in this darling journal! And I just know they would come true!

I'm #543 - come see me!


Dianne said...

What a sweet journal! Please enter me in your draw and come to my blog-#348 and enter mine if you wish. Thanks!

Marie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blo on this amazing owoh fly by! Gorgeous little book, Marie x

Linda M. said...

Hello Elizabeth, It's nice to meet you. Thanks for the follow. I'm one of your new followers. Your prize journal is so adorable. You didn't leave a comment on my OWOH post. Thought I should mention it if you like to stop back. Have a fantastic time with the OWOH event. Linda

Jona Panesa said...

it is a lovely journal!!! Happy Owoh!

Abi said...

Oh my gosh, I am so glad you stopped by *waving from Woodward*... I have yet to visit your city, but since it's not far away, I really must!
Just took a trip to your Etsy shop - your animal portraits are stunning.... would love to see more - I especially like the Old English on the book print - do you do a variety of these? I had a browse of your blog, and noticed you belong to an etsy team raising money for animals - I did not know this existed, and am about to go and join... as an absolute animal lover, this is a must!
Lovely to meet you, and beautiful door prize.
See you over at Etsy!

Clayworks by Lisa Boucher said...

So cute! Love the cats and your artworks! Great to meet you - Thanks for sharing your creations - Lisa :) #338

E Makes Art said...

Oh, I love your blog banner! Beautiful art. I tried drawing a cat the other day for my son and the results were...well...not very cat-like LOL! Thanks for visiting me for OWOH. I hope you have fun!


trisha too said...

Oh, yes, I have some studio assistants that look strikingly similar . . .

Excellent journal!
Happy OWOH to you, ElizabethI'm flying along, too, so stop by and visit if you get a chance!

trishatoo at hotmail dot com

Tee McNeil Art said...

I'm so glad someone told me about this event. I am participating as well if you'd like to visit my blog at www.greenislescrafts.com

I didn't create my door prize since I found out about the event on the 30th... so I'm giving away neocolor II's.

shadohart (at) gmail (dot) com

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

had to find a moleskin for my son doing his thesis research, so do luv them ~

peggy aplSEEDS said...

oh, i would love to win this delightful mini journal! thank you for the chance to win your giveaway! i hope you can also visit me and join my giveaway (#544)
happy travels!

Anonymous said...

Love journals! Cute blog you have....super cute kitty cat too! Take care, Michelle of HippieDog #15

alveen said...

Hi... Thank you for visiting my OWOH post and leaving me such a nice comment.
I could make very good use of that adorable journal, please count me in.

My Creative Side said...

love the cats and dogs in your blog. i have 5 dogs and a no. of cats too! hope i win the moleskin! blessings!



Great blog and give away. Glad you included your precious animals too. meet me at #220. needlewings at mac. com

Gone said...

So cute! Fur babies are the best. I'm a cat person too! xololaorange at gmail.

Tanya said...

What a great giveaway, please add my name for a chance to win
Thank you
garfies509 at gmail.com

CreativSpirit said...

Great gift, I love Moleskine journals.
Thanks for the chance to win this beautifully decorated journal.


Unknown said...

I really enjoyed looking around your blog- and I'm a fool for cats plus things with wings, so I must admit that I am enamored of your door prize!
Please stop by and see me too:

Unknown said...

a efa member.. i need to get back into that...having fun blog jumping.. come vivit me #405 on the list funkylukecosmicart
stay cosmic.. xoxoxolaura

"MOI" Freubel said...

Hi ! Thanks for your visit and
nice to meet you too.
First I took the time to discover your blog and i've browsed a while through your earlier posts.
I must say...I'm glad I did and I was realy impressed !! ( Yes, I take my time:)
It was fascinating to see your talent and please, cherish that !

About your giveaway; It would be a present to treasure so please draw my name !!
Kind greetings, Rian from the Netherlands.

martha brown said...

I would love to write my hopes, my dreams, my poetry in this wonderful moleskine! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)

Diane said...

Greeting from California! Love your journal! Please count me in & thanks so much for dropping by my blog. Hugs, Diane

ByLightOfMoon said...

Your art is fabulous and so are your assistants!
Mine are Blak, Bleu and Lilly!

I am number 627 on OWOH list!

You DO have a Beautiful blog!
Smiles, Cyndi

Jamie Lott said...

I am in need of a lovely journal! I've enjoyed my visit. Hope you'll come to visit me!


stampgram said...

Greetings from Cody, Wyoming! Isn't this fun? I love your little Moleskine journal...what a gun idea for a door prize! Please enter me.
If you have a moment stop by and enter my giveaways too.
# 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
# 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home

Monique Kleinhans said...

How fun! And what a great idea...did your studio assistants help in the planning? ;)

Please stop by for a visit when you get the chance:

Jo said...

NIce to meet you! Your art work is stunning ... loved your etsy shop and blog!

Threads of Inspiration said...

What a beautiful little journal. Thank you for the opportunity to win it!

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Hi Elizabeth,
Nice to meet you!
Lovely blog and some Awesome artwork!!
Your giveaway journal is beautiful!!
Hope you have time to hop over and visit my blog/OWOH post.
Jan (UK)

Emily R. said...


Great prize!


My blog, Not much YET!

Amy said...

Greetings from Virginia, US! Thanks for your giveaway. I'd love to win your lovely journal. Please feel free to visit my blog and enter my contest.
www.knitterofhats.blogspot.com - OWOH participant #523
avennett AT verizon DOT net

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Delighted to meet you (and that beautiful black cat)! Please include me in your drawing...and then come enter mine!

A Vintage Cottage Home
OWOH #303

B @ Sweet Limes said...

I am such a journal freak so this would be PERFECT for me. I write in one almost nightly but I also have an art journal I try to work in a few times a week. I'd swoon for a chance to use this beauty.


sassypackrat said...

Love journals and yours is so sweet!

I'm #488 and here's my blog. http://sassypackrat.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Oh Elizabeth! What a truly divine journal you have created - the perfect for exploring heart and soul whisperings, and taking flight into all hopes and dreams.... gorgeous!
Hugs Jo xx #263

Tami said...

I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I will hope and hope that you pick my name! I love your blog and look at that pretty Siamese too (go meet Sugar on my blog). I look forward to reading more on your blog and your art. Thank you for the chance to win this precious artful journal!
Tami (mroth@lcom.net)

Unknown said...

What fun this is...hopping from one wonderful blog to another and visiting so many kindred spirits! Thanks so much for sharing! Please enter me in your give away!!

jacque4u2c said...

Greetings from Louisville, KY - USA
Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
Winning your give away would be awesome!
Thanks for including me in your drawing..Come visit me, I am playing too.


Anonymous said...

Oh nice gift I love the cover. It would be a treassure to win it too! Hope you pick me! Sanna

hlynn said...

Greetings from snowy Wisconsin! It is lovely to 'meet' you. Thank you for taking part in One World, One Heart. Please come visit my blog if you haven't already http://squareonebeads.blogspot.com/.

hhertziger at mac dot com

Gen said...

This is a lovely giveaway! fernandez.gen@gmail.com

Marie S said...

Hey there Elizabeth, greetings from southern california.
I love the journel you altered, such a beautiful door prize.
What a wonderful place to land on this OWOH journey.
If you have a little time stop on by my place in this OWOH blogland #442

Connie said...

adorable moleskin journal! please enter me in your draw, and if you haven't already, come visit mine!

Anonymous said...

All kitties should have wings, that is adorable and so is your cat
If you get a chance come by and check out my blog #25 http://artinmybag.wordpress.com/
I hope you are having as much fun with OWOH as I am this year
trinaxxl at yahoo . com

Heather said...

Hi There! What beautiful work you have! I am so excited by all of the new people I am meeting with OWOH, pleae come by and visit me. I am #720, www.mydailydoseofcrazy.blogspot.com
XOXO ~ Heather
cr8nglief (at) yahoo (dot) com

Electra said...

I love your approach to your art and to life! And the journal is precious. I hope you can find time to visit me-


Caranam said...

I absolutely love your blog and your art work. I'm so glad I found you to follow you! All of these new blogs to read is probably my favorite part of the OWOH event.

Thank you so much for joining!

Danielle said...

beautiful work!

Noemi said...

This journal made me smile.

A big hug from Spain.

Kim Dellow said...

Wonderful! Love the Kitties too! Lovely blog. Nice to meet you. Thanks for sharing and enjoy OWOH 2011. Kim (No. 724)

The Doctors Wife said...

Cute journal.
annewithany2 at hotmail dot com

Donna said...

Such a lovely blog and a fun giveaway. Please enter me and thank you!

Kristin Dudish said...

Hi Elizabeth,
You have adorable studio assistants! I think your living a more creative life series is such a great idea!

Michelle said...

It's so nice to meet you and to discover your wonderful blog. I love the moleskine journals. Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH participant 598

Wildflowerhouse said...

Love your little journal. Love your kitties too. Thanks for visiting me. Now I must peek around your blog some more!

Unknown said...

Hello from Cornwall, I love the journal!
if you get a chance visit my givaway,

Liv said...

Hello from Australia!
Firstly, I wanted to say that your kitties are adorable! I am a cat person - at the moment I'm helping cat-sit 3 beautiful kittens who lost their mother the day they were born. They're now 2 weeks old, and going strong! :)
Anyway, enough of my rambling... the little journal is so pretty! Can you please enter me in the drawing for your great giveaway? Thank you so much!!
You're more than welcome to visit my blog, where I'm also having a OWOH giveaway! I'm number 591...

--Liv from Australia--

gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au

Just Jenn Designz said...

Hello. It is so very nice to meet you. Your journal is absolutely beautiful. I would love for you to throw my name into the hat for a chance to win.

Please stop by my blog on your travels, I am #78 on the OWOH participant list.


SpiritMama said...

Love the journal and your blog...so cute!
Stop by my blog giveaway if you get a chance :-)

Waxela (wa-shay-la)
aka SpiritMama

Carmen said...

Oh this did make me smile today. Of course she needs the butterfly wings to help her fly... I just hope the butterfly didn't mind :D I adore this journal, so quirky and fun! Thank you for the chance to win it.

Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post :)

OWOH #365

Sanja said...

Beautiful journal :-)
Thank you for your visit .
Greetings from Germany
Sanja xox

Teri said...

What a great giveaway!! I am a scrapbooker and love altered art jewelry. I've been creating jewelry over the past year and have been scrapbooking forever!!
Thanks for sharing your blog and have fun in your blog travels!
Please visit me at


Thanks Teri

Bquiltin said...

OOOOHHH a journal: how lovely. Do visit my BQuiltin Studio blogsite. Happy OWOH 2011

donnalouiserodgers said...

hi Elizabeth,

thank you for visiting my OWOH blog post, this is my return visit

I enjoyed reading your blog and I agree too many people do not call themselves creative and artistic, too often they have been told their work is no good, or unfavorably compared to others, it is lovely to enable others to value their originality and enjoy the process as well as the end product.


Anonymous said...

Greetings from Massachusetts! Love your blog! Your journal is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win.

I hope you will come and visit my OWOH post and check out my blog!

illtemperedink AT msn DOT com

Unknown said...

Hi! How are you? So great to meet you! Your journal is so pretty...please sign me up! And, please be sure to visit me at #319
sending some smiles...:o)

Marie said...

What great assistants and a lovely journal,
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH giveaway

Anonymous said...

You have a very sweet blog.
And your journal is precious!
Please enter me in your giveaway.
Teresa in California

Caitlin said...

How cool! I love your work!


Teresa aka Tess said...

Greetings from Kansas, Your feline firends are so cute. Love the artwork you do.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

So hayppy to meet you. Your giveaway and site is lovely. Someone is going to be a very lucky winner.
Looking forward to being a new follower.
Hope you can come by my site and enter mine. #745

Unknown said...

If I won this I would give it to my husband for his birthday (a little late). He always has a journal with him and this one would inspire him

Steph @ Tart Deco
tartdeco at gmail dot com

Caroline said...

Greetings from a fellow blogger/crafter in the UK and thank you for visiting me.

Wonderful give-away, I keep my fingers crossed :)

I enjoyed the opportunity to browse your webhome, I love your work... stunning! Thank you for participating in this amazing journey
of happiness.

Unknown said...

Visiting your blog has been wonderful. I read your living a creative life posts and was cheering when I read the comment about drawing straight lines being what a ruler is for! I used to think I wasn't creative because I couldn't draw well (or so my art teacher said at 14) and discovering that I am has changed my life.

I'd love to enter your giveaway, the notebook is gorgeous. Feel free to visit my blog and see what I am up to. This is my first year participating in OWOH and I am finding it an incredible journey.

michelle said...

So nice to meet you Elizabeth, i am so pleased you stopped by my blog today ! you do beautiful creations and i would love the chance to win the journal !

Unknown said...

i really enjoyed visiting your blog and your piece about living a more creative live i am an artist but some of the little things you suggested are great for artist and non artist to have and enjoy a more creative space
I look forward to reading part 3
carolyn h

s hyler said...

I would love to be entered in your wonderful drawing. I am number 809 please stop by for my drawing.

Mel♥ said...

Hello from NY! Thanks for the chance and glad to play along!!


mitz said...

...this is ** journal-riffic** thanks for the opportunity. mitz_zee@yahoodotcom

Debs said...

I luuuurve your - ahem, MY journal and I just can't wait to win it!

loving your blog, the photos, snow, cat, dog and your work.

Debs #799

My name is Cindy said...

I like your ideas about living more creatively - yes, we should take pleasure in some of these small things as they do affect the quality of our lives. Thank you so much for dropping in to see me and please please please put me in for your delightful giveaway. Cindy #487

angelandspot said...

Beautiful! ~Cassie angelandspot{at}yahoo{dot}com

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Hello, from Southern Illinois, USA. So nice to meet you and looking forward to coming back and visiting once the event is over and I have more time.
Thanks for the chance to win your door prize.

BrendaLea A. - Purple Lady
prpldy (at) comcast dot net

RobbinB said...

Beautiful journl and Siamese kitty! Thanks for offering a wonderful prize.

Please stop by my blog during the hop.

RobbinB #752

Jamie Cox said...

Just stopping by on my way through OWOH, great blog and even better giveaway. Please enter me for a chance to win. If you get a chance stop by my blog and say hi and enter my giveaway too. I'm number 411; http://scrapping2it.blogspot.com


Jblanton said...

what a sweet journal- thanks for the chance to win

Esme said...

what a sweet cat sleeping away. thank you for the journal

chocolate and croissants at yahoo . com

Belinda said...

Hello You have a lovely Blog ,Very nice giveaway!! Please come see mine,
My giveaway is a ooak bunting baby doll
Hugs Belinda

Anonymous said...

Lovely,Thank you for sharing.
Have your best OWOH ever!

Fiona (anubis 1 ) said...

Hi from the UK. You have a wonderful blog and a very pretty giveaway. Stop by and see me too.




Dreaming of Vintage said...

Hi Elizabeth! It was nice of you to come by #805 to say hi! Your journal is adorable and I would love to be a winner! Please count me in!


Azurlin said...

Hello from Ipswich, MA! I'd love to win your traveling mini art kit door prize. - Please enter my name into the One World One Heart contest. I'll stop by again. I'm #509

I hope you have a chance to check out my blog, too. And - Enjoy your visit!
Hugs...Linda L

email - Azurlin@gmail.com

Zoe said...

I would love to win this and fill it with my zendoodles! It's gorgeous :)

Birgit said...

Hi Elizabeth,

Your whimsical journal is just lovely -- thanks for the chance to win it. :)

Greetings from Germany,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful, whimsical journal. Please sign me up for your draw! :) Thank you.

Elsina said...

I love your blog and am an old follower! I won your beautiful ATC last year, so chances of one in a million I"ll win this year, but one never knows :). Your ATC is the most beautiful in my ATC collection!

p.s. Please send me some of that beautiful snow :)

artangel said...

Aw I wish I had such cute studio assistants lol! Your work is amazing - the portraits are so detailed, and I love the journal you're giving away :)

Great to meet you, and I hope you'll enter my draw too if you have chance -
angie.hogan at hotmail dot com

Crimson Heart Studios said...

What a great little journal. I'll come back and look more. We sure do love our animals. I have a poodle setting next to me right now. Come by Crimson Heart Studios if you can and meet Daisy the padoodlehymer. She's not a fancy breed, we just made that name up. Thanks, Cindy

Valerie said...

Wonderful journal with your art! Pls count me in.

Angie said...

Hello Elizabeth. Thank you and your charming kitty for welcoming me to your blog. The cat art journal is so charming! I love the added wings.

Please feel free to stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also. I'll tempt your kitty with a brass birdie. Just click on my blog link, or I'm #625. Happy OWOH to you!

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Wind & Honey, I would love to win your beautiful journal. Nice post! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.

Gracey is not my name.... said...

Really great! I love journals and have a wide assortment.....love the fairytale theme, as I collect Cinderella stories from around the world...

Kailee said...

I love starting journals, I start them all the time but rarely finish!

Sarah said...

What a beautiful journal and artwork...just charming! Lovely blog - thanks for sharing.

Pop over to me at 662



janil said...

cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

mom of 3rd culture kids said...

Hello from Thailand! That's a lovely journal!.. please count me in!

Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)

laetriciajaniel (@) gmail (dot) com

Nancy Markosky said...

A journal is a great give away- yes we do all need a place to record our ideas, thoughts and dreams. I would love to win your beautiful journal-Please add my name to your generous give away and come visit me at lucky #777 on the long list.

ByLightOfMoon said...

I adore your kitty fairytales!
Your blog is beautiful! I am blog # 627 on Lisa's event blog and I hope I win!
Smiles, Cyndi

Elena said...

Love how you incorporate the animals into your art. Cool! Elena of MyQuest

Pam said...

Thanks for sharing:) -This is Pam flying by from Michigan in the US. Your blog is very creative as are your works of art! I would love the chance to win your beautiful cat journal, being a cat lover myself;) .
Have a Great Day! Pam
I'd love for you to check out my giveaway too!

angelself said...

I so enjoyed visiting your blog! This is my first time participating in OWOH, and I am loving it! Stop by and register for my giveaway, if you like. Kathryn, from Florida

ps- I am also ACETSY =)

Pixiewinkle said...

Greetings from NY! Your artwork is lovely. Please count me in and enjoy your flight. Patricia OWOH #498

Helen Campbell said...

Hello! I’ve enjoyed browsing your blog! Your giveaway journal are lovely! I hope you come visit me at #769.

Kelli Russell Agodon - Book of Kells said...

Great journal! Thank you for your generous giveaway!

And greetings from the Pacific Northwest where I am sliding in late and saying, yes, please add my name to your drawing!

I'm a writer who blogs at Book of Kells, www.ofkells.blogspot.com

Thanks again for participating! I'd love to win!

Wishing you all good things,

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